How to get Windows Experience Index (WEI) score in Windows10 | WEI Viewer

WEI Viewer

Benchmark Viewer for Windows 10 "Windows Experience Index (WinSAT)"

{{ | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' }}
{{ wei.title }}
Windows Experience Index Viewer
Right-Click the start button and Open Windows PowerShell.
Type winsat formal and press enter key to run benchmark.
Drop “C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore folder HERE.
Windows Experience Index result shows and can download as a image file.
How to get Windows Experience Index (WEI) score in Windows10

Microsoft provided the Windows Experience Index (WEI) Score for Windows 7/8 but it has been removed from Windows 10. But you can still run tests and get a score using Windows PowerShell.

I will show you how to get Windows Experience Index (WEI) Score in and Windows 10.

Step 1. Close all apps and programs

For Windows Experience Index benchmark runs for the best results, close all apps and programs.

Step 2. Open Windows Power Shell

Right-click on Windows Start Menu to open Windows PowerShell.

Windows PowerShell

Step 3. Run “Windows Experience Index” benchmark program

Type the following command to run “Windows Experience Index” benchmark program.

winsat formal

Step 4. Find the result file

After the benchmark is finished, Open the following folder.


Find the file titled “Date + Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT“.

winsat result file

Step 5. Drag and Drop the “winSAT” file to “WEI Viewer” web tool

Drag and Drop the “WinSAT” file to WEBmarks web tool.

drag & drop

Step 6. Check the result

You can see the WEI score like Windows 7.

Windows Experience Index

{{ app.result.wei.title }}

Rate and improve your computer's performance

The Windows Experience Index assesses key system componets on a scale of 1.0 to 9.9.

{{ ::lang.result.component }} {{ ::lang.result.whatIs }} {{ ::lang.result.subScore }} {{ ::lang.result.baseScore }}
{{ ::lang.result[component] }}: {{ ::lang.result[component+'Desc'] }} {{ score }}†1
{{ app.result.wei.systemScore }}

†1 {{ ::lang.result.caution }}

{{ ::lang.result.goOctane }}